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 the painter 

Henri de TOULOUSE-LAUTREC was born in Albi on November 24, 1864. He grew up at the Bosc, pampered by his family : a loving mother but also a father and uncles who taught him how to draw when back from hunting. On May 30, 1878, little Henri slipped from a low chair and broke his left femur in the living room. The following year, in July 1879, at Barèges, he suffered a fracture to his right leg in a dry stone ravine that would never mend properly. These two falls left him crippled at 15 years old. He then decided to follow an artistic career  and worked hard in  Bonnat’s workshop, then in Cormon’s. His Parisian life went on.

LAUTREC’ memory remains alive on the old walls of the CHATEAU DU BOSC.

He died on September 9, 1901 in the castle of Malromé, in Gironde, close to his mother and has since rested in the Verdelais cemetery.

H T Lautrec avec ses pinceaux
Famille et TL.Bosc
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